Is Climate Restoration Needed and/or Possible?
As noted below, it's critical to understand that while dramatically reducing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) is essential, it's NOT sufficient to assure humanity's survival. For that, current climate science tells us we need to restore Earth's climate to what it was before the Industrial Revolution, and that requires healthy oceans. The preindustrial climate sustained human beings for thousands of years, during which time atmospheric CO2 levels never exceeded 300 ppm (parts per million). We are currently at 420 ppm...and climbing!
According to a 2022 National Academy of Sciences Report (scroll down and see "Other References" at the end of this section), Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) shows the greatest promise as a practical strategy for correcting this alarming situation.
(Source: 2022 NAS Report &
"Climate Restoration" by Peter Fiekowsky with Carole Douglis)
Ocean Health: Learning From Mother Nature
As the graph below shows, Mother Nature has self-corrected for excess CO2 in the atmosphere roughly 10 times over the last million years, reducing overheating and bringing about repeated ice ages. She's done this through the mechanism of photosynthesis. In parts of the ocean where proper nutrients were present, phytoplankton bloomed and absorbed the excess CO2, dramatically cooling the planet. A critical catalyst for these phytoplankton blooms was iron dust from volcanic eruptions and dust storms that blew over the ocean. This happened naturally over 10's of thousands of years, but we can speed up that process by seeding carefully chosen small areas of ocean with this essential missing trace mineral. This mimicking of a natural process is exactly what Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) does.
We should also note that Mother Nature never allowed the CO2 concentration to exceed 300 ppm (parts per million). Because of the industrial revolution and the burning of fossil fuels, that level is now around 420 ppm and climbing (see arrow marked "Present"). And even if we succeed in meeting the goal of the Paris Accord to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, we'll still just be leveling off at around 450 ppm
(see red line rising off the chart), far above what human beings
have ever experienced or endured long term.
Hence the necessity and urgency of Climate Restoration.
(Source: "Climate Restoration" by Peter Fiekowsky with Carole Douglis)
What's Mother Nature Done For Us Lately?
From the graph below we can see that since the last Ice age about 12,000 years ago, Mother Nature has blessed us with a very stable CO2 level of about 250-280 ppm and human beings have thrived. Then a couple hundred years ago we discovered fossil fuels and began a massive uncontrolled "geoengineering experiment" called the Industrial Revolution, completely unaware of the drastic unintended consequences it foretold. By the dawn of the 20th century we had passed 300 ppm on our way to over 400 ppm where we're at today. We desperately need to restore the climate to the historically safe quality we enjoyed in the preindustrial era, and we can do it while restoring the health of our oceans in the process.
Fortunately, if we take appropriate action in a timely manner,
this is entirely possible...and according to a 2022 National Academy Of Sciences Report, Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) shows the greatest promise.
(Source: 2022 NAS Report &
"Climate Restoration" by Peter Fiekowsky with Carole Douglis)
4 Promising Solutions
The chart below lists the 4 most effective ways we can draw down the excess CO2 in our atmosphere, with Ocean Iron Fertilization (OIF) showing the greatest promise. All 4 methods meet 3 critical criteria:
(Source: "Climate Restoration" by Peter Fiekowsky with Carole Douglis)
OIF: The Most Promising Solution
The slide below describes how OIF works, how it mimics and takes advantage of a natural process which restores ocean health, and how small an amount of ocean would be involved in its implementation. In addition, OIF shows great promise in restoring thriving fish and ocean mammal populations. While it's essential to conduct more research and carefully controlled field testing of OIF, the
National Academy of Sciences and many others tell us it has the greatest potential for achieving Climate Restoration.
(Source: 2022 NAS Report &
"Climate Restoration" by Peter Fiekowsky with Carole Douglis)
One Example of Natural OIF
The graph below shows the rise in CO2 levels from 1984 to 2012. The 1990 eruption of the Mt. Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines spewed iron-bearing dust over the adjacent deep ocean. According to data collected by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), the result was a significant natural phytoplankton bloom which absorbed enough CO2 to halt the rise in atmospheric CO2 for almost 2 years (see small green right angle showing the pause in CO2 rise). By mimicking this natural phenomenon, we can do the same and much more.
(Source: NOAA &
Mt. Pinatubo White Paper available below under Other Resources)
Projections of OIF in Action
The graph below illustrates the potential of the first 3 most effective climate restoration strategies. It's clear that, deployed at scale, OIF would likely do the most good. The thin blue line at the top represents our critical and ongoing efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) like CO2. Below that, the reddish area represents the potential amount of CO2 removal we can achieve from OIF. The greenish and lavender areas at the bottom represent additional potential CO2 removal from using synthetic limestone in concrete and growing seaweed. As shown in the graph, OIF's potential really stands out.
(Source: "Climate Restoration" by Peter Fiekowsky with Carole Douglis)
Available direct from the publisher.
This comprehensive NAS analysis reviews all previous research into marine CO2 removal (CDR) and lays out a research strategy for achieving climate restoration. It identifies OIF as the most promising approach to pursue and recommends immediate funding for "Next Step" research and field testing..
This authoritative article explains the great potential of OIF as a strategy for Climate Restoration and the need for next-step research and field testing.
MIT article explains what "geoengineering" is, what kinds are "contentious/controversial" and what kinds are not. OIF is the latter.
This article lays out the case for the urgency of more OIF research to test its efficacy and pave the way for its implementation.
This in depth analysis of the dramatic CO2 drawdown that followed the 1990 eruption of Mt Pinatubo illustrates the exciting potential of OIF to remove CO2 from the atmosphere and help achieve Climate Restoration.
This short but informative article by Dr. David Koweek of Ocean Visions can be viewed for free.
This 28 page White Paper gives a great overview of the current state of research on OIF and explains how promising the data suggests it is. It's available for free.
This 54 page White Paper explains the urgent necessity of achieving climate restoration and is available for free.
Feel free to browse through our extensive library of various articles, papers and studies that have been done on OIF. Just go to the "More" tab at the top of the screen and select "Contact us" from the drop down menu. We'd be happy to email you a link to our Library. Also feel free to suggest other papers or studies that we could add to our collection.
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